Ref 1134: Expert Telecom

  • Lieu : Brussels
  • Type de contrat : Contrat � dur�e indetermin�e
  • Débute le : 14 février 2025

Descriptif de fonction

As an Expert in Expertise Secondary Systems, you build expertise and are technically responsible for your specific domain within the Expertise Secondary Systems team.
The main tasks of this position primarily include:

  • Developing technical standards/specifications and solutions based on concept notes and guidelines for application in investment projects.
  • Technical management of existing framework agreements.
  • For new framework agreements, you will follow the entire European procurement procedures and will be fully responsible for the technical part (market exploration – developing technical specifications – analyzing bids – meetings with suppliers – etc.).
  • Providing support and technical advice to project teams.
  • Developing and delivering technical training to operational entities.
  • Developing general knowledge of the entire secondary part of a substation.

Within the Expertise Secondary Systems team, you will primarily be responsible for the telecommunications domain.
As a Telecom Expert, you will:

  • Be responsible for the interfacing (equipment) between the Secondary Systems (e.g. differential protections, teleprotections, etc.) and active telecommunications equipment (TDM, MPLS, etc.).
  • Be responsible for the "passive part" of the telecom equipment. This involves: the necessary materials for optical fiber connections (such as optical fiber cables, HDPE pipes, optical fiber patch panels/patch cords, etc.), the necessary materials for copper Ethernet connections, 19-inch racks, etc. This concerns connections both between sites, within a site between buildings, and within a building between racks.
  • Closely cooperate with the "datacom" department, which is responsible for the operational operation of telecommunications network.

Acquiring the necessary technical expertise in this area is a necessary condition to carry out the above activities.
Over time, the scope of responsibilities may be adjusted depending on the needs of the team and your personal interests.



  • You can express yourself both orally and in writing in Dutch, French, and English.
  • You seek pragmatic solutions and are customer- and result-oriented.
  • You can work easily in a team, are communicative, and have good persuasion skills.
  • You have strong analytical and synthesizing competencies, which allow you to clearly communicate complex subjects (both orally and in writing).
  • You independently and proactively manage the agreed-upon tasks.
  • Thorough knowledge of MS Office is a plus.
  • You must have an "expert profile":
    • You are willing to develop in-depth knowledge in a specific domain (in this case, telecom).
    • You are willing to acquire new knowledge about new technologies/applications that will be implemented.
    • You will proactively seek to expand your knowledge.
  • The following technical knowledge is a plus:
    • You have experience in drafting technical specifications.
    • You are familiar with the use of standards (IEC, ...).
    • You are familiar with IEC standards related to optical fiber (IEC 61300, IEC 61753, IEC 61754, IEC 61755, ...).



  • Civil or industrial engineer in electricity or electromechanics.
  • You have several years of experience in the telecommunications domain.
  • You have experience with all the necessary materials for optical fiber connections, such as optical fiber cables, HDPE pipes, optical fiber patch panels/patch cords/pigtails, etc.


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